The Scout Law & Promise are very important in the move from being someone who goes along to Scout meetings, to becoming a Scout. There are ten Laws which you will need to learn, however, is not enough just
to be able to repeat the Laws, you are going to promise to do your best to obey them, and that is a big undertaking.
Behind each Law lies a great depth of meaning, talk to other Scouts, Senior Scouts and Rover Scouts, to
Akela and your Scout Leaders about what the Laws mean to them, and how they try to live by them – they
have all promised to obey the same Laws as you.
The Scout Law:
1. A Scouts' honour is to be trusted
A true Scout can be recognised because he lives this Law, he can be trusted to speak the truth, and never go back on his word. He can always be trusted to carry out any job to the best of his ability.
2. A Scout is loyal His Country, His Scouters, His Parents, His Employers and to those under Him
Loyalty means that you don’t let people down, and they can rely on you, and that doesn’t just apply to people that you look up to. If you become a Patrol Leader, you will have to earn the respect of the members of your Patrol, and be faithful to them especially.
3. A Scouts' duty is to be useful and help others
A Scout should do their duty first. In order to understand their duty, B-P suggested that a Scout should consider, "Which is my duty?" that is, "Which is best for other people?" - and do that one. A Scout should Be Prepared to do a good turn every day and help people, without seeking reward for being helpful.
4. A Scout is a friend to all, and a brother to every other Scout, no matter to what Country, Class or Creed the other may belong
When meeting another Scout, we should treat each other as we would expect to be treated. A Scout should offer help & support and must never look down upon the other. A Scout accepts the other as they find them. Start by practicing this in your Patrol, then your Troop, then with Scouts you meet from other Troops, and eventually if you are lucky with Scouts from other countries. Nearly 50 million people in almost 200 countries are involved in Scouts and Guides. You are now part of that worldwide brotherhood for peace and good.
5. A Scout is Kind Gentle and Polite
A Scout should be polite to everyone, no matter how the other person treats you, or speaks to you.
6. A Scout is a friend to animals
A Scout should be kind to all animals and save them as far as possible from pain, and should not kill any animal unnecessarily.
7. A Scout obeys orders of His parents, Patrol Leader, or Scout Master without question
A Scout should carry out reasonable orders given to him immediately, even if he is unsure about the intention. He can later discuss or query those orders. That is discipline. This does not mean that a Scout should break the law of the land or carry out an act which would contravene a moral or ethical code, or endanger his safety. If you become a Patrol Leader you will expect the members of your Patrol to work to your orders, but remember that they also need to trust and respect you, so make sure you don’t abuse your position.
8. A Scout smiles and whistles under all difficulties.
You will find that life throws all sorts of difficulties at you, things that you don’t want to do, or make you feel frightened or uncomfortable. Moaning and grumbling about these will just make you miserable, and will probably make those around you miserable or angry. See what happens when you tackle every day with a smile on your face – you’ll find it’s infectious.
9. A Scout is thrifty
Thrift means carefulness to avoid waste – it applies to money, property and time. Think carefully in a world where we are wasting valuable resources how you can make a difference.
10. A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed.
Scouts should not let themselves give way to temptation, either to think, talk or do anything which would be considered unacceptable. There is a useful little rhyme to help you remember the key words for each Law their order:
Trusty, Loyal, Helpful,
Brotherly, Courteous, Kind,
Obedient, Smiling, Thrifty,
Clean in word, deed and mind.
The Scout Promise
On My Honour I promise,
That I will do my best,
To do My Duty to God and to my Country,
To help other people at all times, and to obey The Scout Law.
This is the solemn promise that you make when you are invested, and is the same promise that all Senior Scouts, Rover Scouts and Leaders make. You will make this promise in front of the other Scouts in your Troop, and they will trust you to do your best to keep it. Later when you are present for a new Scout being invested you should take the opportunity to remind yourself of the things you promised to do. You are at an age now, when you can make up your own mind about what the word God means to you, it may be a religious deity, or it may be a set of personal values and beliefs – the important thing is that you hold true to your beliefs, and respect the beliefs of others.
What is in ur mind