These words are to be found in the "Foreword" for instructors at the beginning of the first edition of Scouting for Boys, which was published in 1908."In all cases I would strongly commend the Patrol System, that is, small permanent groups, each under responsible charge of a leading boy, as a great step to success".
Many things have happened since then, one of the most striking of them being that Scouting for Boys has seen seven editions and is now in its eighth in 1915. One opens the seventh edition and finds these words:
It is from the fundamental idea contained in these two passages that by far the greater part of the successful work done by Scoutmasters in different parts of the country is evolved. The following pages are devoted to a rough practical exposition of a few of the more desirable and elementary methods in which the Patrol System may be worked in any troop and in any Association."Scouts generally go about Scouting in pairs, or sometimes singly; if more go together they are called a Patrol."
It is necessary to point out at the start that the Patrol System is not one method in which Scouting for boys can be carried out, but that it is the only method.
The Patrol System may be adopted and utilized in a greater or in a lesser degree, but. the essential thing is that there should be small permanent groups, each under responsible charge of a leading boy, and that such groups should be organized as Scout Patrols
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