

Notable Scouting Dates

1907       Brownsea Island – Experimental Camp

1908       Scouting for Boys. First Scout Camp - Humshaugh

1909       Boy Scouts of America. An American businessman, William Boyce, was visiting London, and lost his way in the fog. A small boy offered to show him the right way. Mr. Boyce wanted to pay him for his trouble, but the boy refused to accept the money, saying “A Scout does not take money for doing a Good Turn”. Mr. Boyce was amazed that the boy should refuse, and wanted to find out more about Scouts. Next day he sought out the office and took back books about Scouting to his home in America. He thought it was such a good way of training boys that he started the movement over there. Crystal Palace Rally

1916       Wolf Cubs formed.

1918       Rover Scouts formed.

1919       Gilwell Park opened.

1920       The first World Jamboree at Olympia.

1924       The Second World Jamboree at Copenhagen.

1929       The Third World Jamboree at Birkenhead (Liverpool) (B-P created Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell)

1931       First World Rover Moot

1932       The First Gang Show

1933       The Fourth World Jamboree at Godollo (Hungary)

1937       The Fifth World Jamboree at Vogelensang (Netherlands)

1941       Death of Baden-Powell. 8th January.

1946       Senior Scouts formed.

1957       Bi-Centenary Jamboree, Sutton Park, Birmingham.

1970       Baden-Powell Scouts Association formed.

1982       Beaver Scouts officially formed in the UK.

2007       B-PSA celebrate 100 years of Scouting at Camp Cricket and visit Brownsea Island

2008       B-PSA celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Humshaugh camp, by camping near the original site

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