

The Cub Scout Promise

The Wolf Cub Promise
Every Cub likes to play games such as baseball, football, hockey or basketball. Every Cub knows too, that these games would be all very silly if there were not rules to tell you how to play the game.
Well Cubbing is a game too and there are rules to guide you in playing the game properly and well. No Wolf Cub wants to be like the Banderlog (monkey people) in the Jungle who just rush around all over the place with no real purpose to their game. Cubs know that you can have much more fun if you play a game according to the rules. So here are the rules of Wolf Cubbing—they are called The Promise.

I promise to DO MY BEST
To do my duty to God, and the and my COUNTRY,
To keep the of the Cub Scout Law,
And to do a good turn to somebody every day.

I Promise to do my best — Lord Baden-Powell, our Founder never forgot that when he was a boy he made mistakes. All boys do. So when he was making up the Promise for you Cubs to make he has you say that you will “do my best”. If you do that you will always come closer to keeping the Promise than if you go about it halfheartedly.
Perhaps you have heard the story of the archer who took his bow and arrow and aimed his arrow at the sun. Of course it never reached the sun, but it went a lot higher than if he had aimed it anywhere else. So it is with a Wolf Cub. If you aim high, you will r each a high target. And if you always do your best to keep the Cub Promise, you’ll be surprised how close you will come to doing it all the time. Remember your motto is “Do your best”.

To do my duty to God, — Canadian Wolf Cubs are possibly the luckiest boys in the
world. They live ina huge and beautiful country with almost everything a boy could ask of life. In the summer there is the pleasant warmth and the wide countryside to enjoy. In the winter there is the snow to play in, the ice to skate upon, and those cold sunny days that make you feel good to be alive. Canadian Cubs have plenty to eat, have good things that millions of other boys in the world never have, and they live in a free country.
All these things are reasons for being thankful— thankful to God who created them all and who gave such a wonderful country to live in. So it is your duty as a Wolf Cub to remember what God has done for you, remember to thank him in your prayers every morning and every night for your parents, your friends and your home: remember to thank him before every meal for the plenty that is yours. And not only should you talk to God in your prayers but you should regularly attend church and Sunday School where you can learn more about all the wonderful things God has done for you. These things are what we call your Duty to God.

And The Country. — As Akela is the chief of your Pack, so the Queen is the Chief of our nation and Commonwealth. She does not make the laws, but she does represent those laws, and everything else that is good that our people believe in. So your duty to the Queen really means that you have a duty to obey the things the Queen stands for—the laws of our country. Naturally if the law of your city or town says that boys must not ride their bicycles on the sidewalks—no Cub would do that. If the law says you must have a light on your bicycle at night, you should never ride without one. If you always obey the laws of your country you will be carrying out your duty to The Country.

To Keep the Cub Scout law. — You have already learned what the Law of the Pack is—now you promise to do your best to keep that law. It is not always easy, but the Wolf Cub who is determined to be the best Wolf Cub possible, will always try his best to keep the law.