

The Grand Howl

In the Jungle all the wolves used to sit around the council rock in a circle and when Akela, the Old Wolf and head of the Pack, took his place on the rock they all threw up their heads and howled their welcome to him.
So it is, that when your Old Wolf, Akela, comes to your meeting the Pack salutes him by squatting around in the circle as the young wolves do, and giving him the Wolf Cub Grand Howl. This is how you do it.
An Old Wolf calls “PACK”—Cubs freeze, that is, remain perfectly still and wait for further instructions. Akela calls loudly “PACK—
PACK—PACK” and the Cubs, yelling “PACK”, run into the Rock circle, that is gathering close around the central figure, then by joining hands they are ready to form the Parade Circle by taking two paces outward. You should then stand at the alert.
Akela, facing the Sixer who is to lead the Howl, nods his head and the Sixer raises his hands over his head and brings them right down. The Cubs taking their lead from the Sixer then go into the squat position—on your toes, knees wide apart—your two hands, with each index finger and second finger close together, touching the ground—shoulders back—chins up and all together, you howl out— making each word a long yowl: “Ah-kay-la! (Three distinct syllables with equal emphasis on each syllable)—We-e-e-ll do-o-o-o o-o-u-u-r BEST—”BEST” is sharp and loud and short and all together; and at the same time spring (a real jump) to the alert with two fingers of each hand pointing upwards at each side of your forehead, to look like a wolf’s two ears.
Then you keep the two hands up while the leading Cub slowly and in a commanding tone, calls out to the
Pack, at the top of his voice: “Dyb, dyb, dyb, dyb,” (meaning Do Your Best).
After the fourth “dyb,” Akela salutes at which every Cub drops his left hand smartly to his side and changing the right hand to the salute with two fingers up, but now spread out making the salute, squeals
“We-e-ll” and barks out “Dob, dob, dob, dob,” (We’ll Do Our Best).
After the fourth “dob” each Cub drops his right hand smartly to his side and remains at the Alert.”
The Grand Howl is whispered when it is necessary to be especially quiet, such as when other groups are meeting in rooms close to the Pack Den.